Play Your Song


Be An Absolute Beginner Or Have Some Experience!
A 9-Week Singing, Strumming & Songwriting Journey 
With Singer, Songwriter, Music Coach, Aidan Mayes
Unlock Your Creativity
Discover Your Musical Self
Build Your Confidence
Nurture Your Inner Child
5th Verse Launch
Mon, Sept 23rd -
Mon, Nov 25th, 2024
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I see you, you're here for a reason!
Take a peak to hear exactly what we're going to do together!
Do you wish you had continued with music lessons as a child, so now as an adult you could be fulfilling your musical dream?
I hear from adults all the time that they regret not taking their musical training further. And now they feel like they would be so rusty, or have forgotten everything they learned and it would take too much time to relearn or start over...
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Every time you hear someone sing or play music live, do you wish that you could do that? 
From my many years as a professional musician and music coach, I have successfully helped students achieve this. The Aidan Mayes Method is designed to empower you with the musical skills needed to accomplish this dream.
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Do you journal or write poetry, and have thought about how you'd love to transform your words into the lyrics for a song?
This is your opportunity to explore Songwriting in a safe and supportive environment! It's also my absolute favourite experience. I want to collaborate with YOU and share the beauty of this process!
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Maybe none of these apply to you but for some reason you are curious to find out more?
Even if you don't identify with being a musical person, this is the perfect chance to try something new. You never know what wonderful potential lies within you waiting to be realized!
Did you answer YES to any of these questions?
To Learning How To Write & Play Music

Simple and Fun Exercises
Build Your Muscle Memory
Use The Play Your Song Portal
At Your Own Pace

What you will receive during our 9 weeks together!
1-1 Private Music Lessons
Weekly 1 hour private lessons with Aidan Mayes via Zoom to help guide you through every stage of your creative journey - 9 sessions included in program. You can sign up for your perfered day/time inside the portal using calendly!
Group Gathering

Plug into a beautiful community of like minded music lovers sharing this experience. Ask questions, share triumphs and connect LIVE every week for 1 hour! We will explore writing a Group Original Song during this time.
Recommended to attend these LIVE! 9 sessions included in program.
pm Evenings*
Sessions will be recorded and shared in PYS Portal if you are unable to attend!
*We'll pick a weekly date that works best for the group!!!
Journal Prompts & Activities
An online journal and creative self-care ideas to help get your creative lyric juices flowing. Another chance to let go, play and discover the musical poet you have inside you!

This part of the program is still being developed!!!
Choose Guitar OR Ukulele
You will need your own instrument - choose either Guitar or Ukulele to acccompany your voice. You will also need a computer or laptop, decent wifi connection, a private space in your home to sing, write and make a little bit of noise, a journal is optional!
Tutorial Video Library 
Receive exclusive 24/7 access to a growing library of videos/tutorials for singing, learning guitar or ukulele, songwriting secrets, performance techniques and more. This portion of program is still being built.
Lifetime Access To Resources 
This will only be available to the original participants exclusively as the library will continue to expand over the years. You will be able to keep learning and trying all the tips, tools and secrets offered moving forward!
Does this resonate with you?

I'm Aidan Mayes! Musician, Songwriter, Performing Artist, Creative Entrepreneur - enthusiastically committed to helping YOU have the opportunity to find your voice and express your own music!
Meet The First & Second Verse Members
These courageous souls paved the way in sculpting THIS program during it's successful original release. 
March 21 - May 19, 2022

Sept 19th - Nov 10th, 2022
Feb 12th - April 13th, 2023
What They Have To Say!
Plumber, Husband, Music Appreciator

My experience with Aidan was incredible, I went from knowing a few chords to not just knowing a bunch of chords but being able to transition through them easily! Not only that but I learned how to write music and dissect other songs, making it easier to learn them! Aidan is an extremely talented artist but also an amazing teacher! She has the experience and patience to make the whole learning process fun and stress free! This course is definitely worth every penny! I would most definitely recommend it to anyone that wants to take their craft to the next level or just to fulfill that musical void in your life. I feel like I’ve grown tremendously in my musical world and I owe it all to Aidan and her method! I can’t thank her enough for what she has taught me - she’s truly one of a kind! 
Dakota composed the most beautiful song for his wife, Cassandra; a gift for their 1 year wedding anniversary, during our time together!
'Luckiest Man'
Opera Singer, Business Owner of The Woven Hope Collective, Wife & Mother,
Floral Designer, Event Planner, World Traveller

I’ve always dreamed of picking up a Ukelele by the campfire and leading a sing-a-long. Opera has always defined me and I’ve wanted to break away from that identity for a long time, sing and write music without rules. I’ve know Aidan for years, been inspired by her songwriting, and always dreamed one day I’d write my own song.

Luckily fate was on my side because a few months ago Aidan posted that she would be doing an 8 week Ukelele and songwriting course. Up to this point I’d only held a Ukelele in a shop in Hawaii one time. I dove right in, bought a beautiful Ukelele and committed myself to 8 weeks of learning. I have to admit, life is busy so I practiced about 30 min to an hour each week, I had a one hour lesson and then a group song-writing zoom lesson with 8 students. It was 8 weeks that I took time for myself, it forced me to pause and make that time.

I’m so grateful for this moment in my life to try something new, to share music with my brilliantly talented little girl and to bring music back into my life.

It’s never too late to try something new.
Megan composed the most beautiful song for her youngest daughter, Maliaka, a keepsake gift for their whole to enjoy and singalong with for all the years to come!
Man In Progress, Husband, Dog Father, Certified Lubrication Specialist
For those interested. Be warned, it’s a wee bit of a time investment to watch…if you’re patient the payoff is near the end!
I should also use this opportunity to plug the program for Aidan Mayes in the event that this share sparks your interest. If you have ever felt called to write and perform your own music or perhaps just curious about what all of that looks and feels like then don’t think twice. Jump right on in because I promise you the water is more than fine. Aidan is a phenomenal teacher and an even better human.

Thank you all very much for sharing your method with me Aidan Mayes, there are no words that could properly express what your friendship, coaching, encouragement and guidance on this journey together felt like and meant to me. This program that you have poured your heart into was worth every penny!

Josh composed the most loving tribute song for his beautiful wife, of 17 years, Sonia! 
'Where I Want To Be' 
Plumber, Husband, Music Appreciator, Songwriter, Singer, Guitar Player

The First Verse experience was so awesome that I had to sign up for the Second Verse launch too. I wanted to expand on what I had just dipped my toes into. Man, I am glad I did. Because the Second Verse took my playing and writing to a whole new level. I also loved the group collaboration song experience so much. 'Let The Whiskey Decide' didn't flow as easily at first, but that's because every song has a different birth story, haha. And once we got into it, it was worth the effort!!! So proud of this song, thank you Aidan for your patience and perserverence! We are the dream team when it comes to songwriting now!
Dakota's second songwriting creation taps into the themes of following ones heart even when it's hard...
'Let The Whiskey Decide'
What is the Aidan Mayes Method?

A supportive and nurturing approach to learning how to sing, strum and song write. Every single step of the way, it's like having your very own personal cheerleader and encourager.

Philosophies for unlocking the joy of being creative on a more regular basis, with gentle nudges and prompts to develop your musical skills, all while having as much fun as possible!

Gain confidence in your musical abilities and feel inspired to reveal more and more about what makes your soul sing.

A super safe space to be vulnerable, share deeply, let go, surrender, heal and become the dream version of yourself through musical expression aka musical self-care!

Includes a special, loving like-minded community, where your ideas are valued and your artistic contribution is desired!

A loving way to improve upon the musical skills you already have or start as a complete beginner!

Hello Beautiful You,

Thank you for being here. I am so happy to connect with you. In case you were curious, I wanted to share the WHY's that led to creating The Aidan Mayes Method and The Play Your Song program.

Like so many of you, I was forced into catastrophic change during the pandemic. Sudden heartache and deep loss personally combined with a complete revamp of my music school becoming digital and having all my shows cancelled or postponed. I had two choices - fall into the abyss of despair (which I did for a time, because well, we have to feel our pain) or rise up and see all this change as an opportunity to start again and build an even better life. My new venture into an online platform has been the greatest act of self-belief, rebuilding and learning.

While on the hundredth zoom lesson, feeling the onset of massive burn out, mainly because I was grieving my former life and trying to put on a strong front for my little students. They were looking to me for answers while facing  the scary emotions brought on by so many unknowns. The only solution I had was to channel that it all into writing songs. This simple act of creativity healed their fears! Surprisingly, we made so many beautiful songs about COVID. It dawned on me that I could help inspire way more creative souls (including the ones that don't even think of themselves as creative) and gift the medicine of music if I began honing my teachings into a program where many people could participate at the same time.

I felt limited by the way I had be doing things. Stuck. Exhausted. I had to recalibrate, get really quiet within myself and dig deep to truly align with my musical legacy. In fact, I decided to completely surround myself with the most inspiring team of entrepreneurs, leaders, musicians, creators, healers to start tapping into all the possibilities of change. I went on a solo camping adventure to a Forestry site up in the mountains of British Columbia. I brought my guitar, my poi, my journal, books and super delicious food. I had an absolute blast with myself painting rocks, dancing naked and doing yoga at sunrise with the celebration song of the birds around me. I let myself have fun again. In that rejuvenating time, I was able to ask myself what I really enjoyed teaching the most - the answer was so cool - I love being able to combine VOICE, GUITAR or UKULELE, with SONGWRITING and empowering my students to be able to PLAY THEIR OWN SONG!!! This was such a eureka moment, YES.

When I got home, something profound had shifted. I began working on stepping into what I was capable of offering others. I realized that just performing and just helping a handful of people every year, wasn't enough anymore either. I knew it was time to make a bigger, more powerfully positive impact on the world through my music and sharing!

I envisioned the joy I would experience by empowering more people to express themselves through songwriting, playing their instrument and singing!

My loves, I know that once you embark on a songwriter's journey, you are forever a songwriter - forever changed in the most glorious of ways. There is a special magic that ignites - a falling in love with ones own inner beauty - when you begin tapping into your creativity this way.  And nothing makes my heart happier that imagining sharing this with YOU!

With song,

Meet Former Students
Songwriter, Internationally Acclaimed Trance Singer, Founder of Balyric Artist Management, Full-Time Mother
I am so blessed to have had an incredible career as a vocalist working with DJ's and performing all over the world before I became a mother. But I always felt so reliant on others to create music because I didn't feel competent accompanying myself on guitar. Working with Aidan to improve my guitar playing, hone my songwriting skills and exercise my voice has helped me feel WAY more confident to explore deeper depths of my creativity and inner joy!!!
Quadruple Threat - AMSOM Graduate, Songwriter, Actor, Painter and Executive Assistant - LeBlanc School Of Acting
I started lessons with Aidan when I was only 8 years old. Without our weekly chats about life, sharing new music we had discovered and getting excited about writing new inspired songs these lessons wouldn’t have played such a pivotal part in my life. That’s what I think makes Aidan so remarkable, she guides you with masterful expertise, and a world of support, all the while tailoring the classes to your heart, mind, and soul. So I would always leave my lessons with an extra skip in my step, truly being able to recognize my progress while also getting so fulfilled by the creative outlet of making my own music. She welcomed me into her own safe place within songwriting and gave me such a comforting gift that has since allowed me to speak my mind, process my emotions, and move through my challenges. Songwriting is a gift and I am so glad that Aidan was the one to pass it on to me. Now have a safe place within music as well!
Professional Dog Trainer at YogaDog, Owner - The Gateway Ranch, Former Film & Television Make-up Artist
The playful connection you have with your audience is the same you have with your students! I never want to learn the love of music from someone who just “teaches”. It is because you perform and pass the joy and love of that in your sessions that you make such a great coach. Doing the online sessions with you has not only brought out my confidence (because singing on zoom I am kinda performing) it has given me a window into what makes learning music so fun! You are a music coach, not a teacher because you inspire, encourage and teach!
RA, 21

Most Dedicated - AMSOM Graduate, Bachelor of Fine Arts - Mount Alison University
Pierre Lassonde School Of The Arts - 2022 Internship Recipient
I spent 5 years exploring singing, songwriting and musical theatre with Aidan. We sure had fun together. We wrote a song called 'Rise', using metaphors of painting and art to express what it is to be autistic and how I see the world. I sang it live while Aidan played piano at our yearend recital and I used that song/performance to apply to University. I credit my lessons with Aidan to my confidence to pursue Art and move to the other side of the country!
How would writing your very own music feel? 

If you've never written a song before then it might be difficult to imagine how that experience could feel, and how deeply the ripple effect of life enhancement could seep...

But as the creator of many hundreds of songs over the past 25+ years - some incredible bursts of genius, more tedious and self indulgent journal entries and some necessary but 'meh' not worthy of sharing (we need these ones to lead us to the gems) - there is a richness to your sense of self. An exquisiteness to being able to take a photograph with your own soundtrack.

And then, with practice, you can consistently be creating lovable, soul inspired stories that connect with strangers!

But I can assure you that the outcome really doesn't matter - it's in the process of tapping into your own creative impulses which leads to accomplishing a finished, fully formed SONG - that has an unparalleled magic! In my humble opinion, no drug, drink or outside influence can compare to the medicine and pride this experience creates.

A natural by product to birthing music, if you allow it, can be to truly fall head over heels in love with yourself in the process!
A Powerful Message For You!
By Inspirational Leader, Spiritual Entrepreneur & Musician
CEO & Spiritual Online Business Strategist at Living Brightside Enterprises
I highly recommend Aidan Mayes and using the Aidan Mayes Method, she’ll give you everything that you need to tap into that innate desire, that desire that you were really born with, to bring song and to bring music into your life, into the lives of the people you know and into the world. Who knows how far and wide the song or these songs will go that you create through working with her. It will impact every other part of your life. You’ll just be happier. You’ll be healthier. Because you are tapping into your creativity. We’re creative beings having a human experience so let your creativity shine! Let it light yourself up and light up the world!
How would creative freedom feel? 

If you discover a calling inside for music, there is no greater joy then creating and finishing your own song!

As you find positive and healthy ways to channel the big emotions of life - into such a beautiful expression - music! Get ready to experience the ripple effects of self love, confidence and pride. And you won't be creating just any music, this will be your unique sound and message.

There is no greater high, for a soul who is moved by song. By curiously showing up for yourself 20 mins - 1 hour/day, in the form of journaling, or practicing some vocal exercises, or playing a simple rhythm on your instrument or allowing ideas for lyrics to light up your brain waves - you can transform every stale corner of your life and align with what really makes your heart feel happy. Afterall, this life is short and you deserve to feel good!

Contributing art into the world - with no judgement - makes our planet a better place!
An 9-week intensive singing, strumming, songwriting, performance program with encouragement and cheerleading every step of the way. Learn how to put it all together so that you can perform your own song from start to finish.

Enjoy A SPECIAL PRICED OFFER that will be available for a limited time by signing up to be part of the Fourth Verse Release.

This program will incrementally increase in cost as it continues to get re-released in the future months and years. By getting in at the grass roots, you get to be part of the creation process and have an important say in its conception every step of the way.

Normally access to a weekly private one on one lesson - plus at least one group lesson - plus access to a fun and informative performance, voice, guitar, ukulele tutorial library in the Play Your Song Portal to pair with your 9 week experience - plus access to Aidan for the duration of your program via text and a private Whatsapp Group - would cost over approx. $450 per week, totaling a $4050 worthy investment in yourself.

But for a VERY limited time -
you can participate in the Fifth Verse for
ONLY $2200!

That’s 9 weeks of music lessons and support - AND at the end of it, you will have two songs that you have written (and many tips and tools to continue writing and more) and the ability to PLAY YOUR SONG!

That's almost 50% OFF!!!!

Your commitment of time online is:
2 hours/per week

  • 1hour x 9 weeks private lessons Pick your preferred day of the week and time - same every week - for 1 X 1 Lessons with Aidan Mayes.
  • 1hour x 9 weeks Group Calls to create a group original song and connect with your creative fellow members!
  • I encourage you to schedule a few practice times during your week to review your lesson and visit the Play Your Song Portal for more tips and tricks and practices at your leisure!
  • 1 Bonus Group Welcome Call on the last day of our program to celebrate all you have created!!!

There is no greater reward then investing in YOURSELF.
This is SELF-CARE with MUSIC and learning!!!
5th Verse Launch Starts
Mon, Sept 23rd - Mon, Nov 25th, 2024
Are you ready to have a musical adventure?
Play Your Song Program: $4050
Payment Plans Available
$2200/ Total
(for 2 months)
$800/monthly approx.
(for 3 months)

Join The 5th Verse Launch



Weekly Private One On One Music Lessons with Aidan Mayes
Get the support and nurturing you require, at your pace, to reach your musical goals


Meet your creative community and let the magic of sharing with your peers inspire you!


Journal Prompts & Activities To Keep Your Creative Juices Flowing
Simple songwriting techniques to begin trusting yourself to come up endless song ideas


Exclusive Access To The PLAY YOUR SONG PORTAL and a Growing Library Of Tutorials
Available for the duration of your program!!!


If after the FIRST WEEK of exploring, you feel - for whatever reason - that you are not the right fit for Aidan’s Play Your Song program, she will happily return your investment.

However, it is worth mentioning that becoming skilled at anything in this life takes you (they say) 10,000 hours at least and even then, the journey towards becoming masterful is a lifelong commitment, so it is important to manage your expectations for yourself and go into this process with a willingness to be guided and allow for it all the unfold!

Completing the entire 2 month program is a fast track way to scratch the surface of your creative potential and the only way to reach your goals happens with consistency and investing in yourself!


Don't let another year pass you by where you put your dreams on hold, where you make excuses why you keep neglecting this desire to learn music.

This is your chance to nurture the most precious person in your life - YOU!

With every launch the price increases as the program becomes more popular and more streamlined.


If your soul is saying YES then I am beyond excited to pour everything I've learned about creating a musical life - into helping you astound yourself musically. Thank you in advance for trusting me with this enourmous honour! We are going to have so much FUN growing together.
Let's get started!!!

Aidan Mayes Method
Copyright 2024 all rights reserved
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